Find a Trail

The Clearwater Trekker is on a quest to explore as much of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests as possible. Want to come along?

Let’s turn this page blue!


We've got Day Hiking (DH) and Backpacking (BP) descriptions from the Forest Service for each of the trails below,

and you can click on blue Trail Names to read about our own adventures on the trail.

You can also look up trails we've visited on Gaia Maps!

(It's a work in progress.)

Dworshak Reservoir

Big Eddy Trail
Westridge Trail
Merry's Bay Trail
Canyon Creek Trail
Cold Springs Trail
Dent Trail

Lochsa/Highway 12 Corridor

Castle Butte LookoutDH
Colgate Licks National Recreation TrailDH
Colt Creek TrailheadBoth
Devoto Grove Picnic Area & TrailheadDH
Downriver Trail #2Both
Eagle Mountain TrailheadBP
Elk Summit CampgroundBoth
Glade Creek Group CampgroundBoth
Knife Edge Campground and River AccessBoth
Kooskooskia Meadows TrailheadDH
Lolo Creek CamprgroundBoth
Mocus Point TrailheadBoth
Musselshell MeadowsDH
Powell CampgroundBoth
Trail #201
Wilderness Gateway CampgroundBoth
Sherman Creek Trail #203Both
Split Creek Trailhead and River AccessBoth
Warm Springs TrailheadBoth
Wendover CampgroundBoth
White House CampgroundBoth
White Sand CampgroundBoth

Highway 14 Corridor

Anderson Butte National Recreation TrailDH
Blowout Mountain Trail #211DH
Boundary Trail #835DH
Churchill Trail #210DH
Columbia Ridge Trail #205BP
Ditch Creek CampgroundDH
Dixie Summit Trail #209DH
Driveway Extension Trail #881DH
Driveway RouteDH
East Fork American Trail #832DH
Flat Iron Ridge Trail #831DH
Flint Creek TrailheadBP
Jersey Ridge Trail #214DH
Johns Creek TrailheadBP
Kirks Fork Trail #830DH
Lemhi Trail #212DH
Limber Luke Campground and TrailheadDH
Lost Lake Trail #804DH
Moose Butte Trail #207DH
Newsome Turnout Trail #100DH
Noble Creek Trail #208DH
Orogrande Summit CampgroundBP
Reeds Bar Trail #412DH
Rhett Creek Trail #231DH
Sam's Creek CampgroundDH
Sing Lee CampgroundDH
Sourdough Saddle TrailheadDH
Twentymile Creek Trail #414DH
Umatilla Creek Trail #801DH
Wildhorse CampgroundDH
Williams Creek Trail #802DH

Lolo Trail Corridor

Weitas Butte LookoutDH
Weitas Guard StationBoth

Gospel-Hump Wilderness

Crystal Lake Trail #299DH
Ten Mile Creek Trail #415DH

Salmon River / Highway 95 Corridor

Chair Point LookoutDH
Kirkwood RanchInfo
Little Van Buren Trail #330DH
North Fork Slate Creek CampgroundDH
Rapid River
Rocky Bluff CampgroundDH
Slate Point LookoutDH

Palouse Corridor

Bald Mountain LookoutDH
East Dennis Loop, Palouse Divide
Elk Creek CampgroundDH
Elk Creek Falls Trailhead & Picnic AreaDH
Feather Creek TrailheadDH
Giant Cedar Grove TrailheadDH
Giant White Pine Campground & TrailheadDH
Laird Park CampgroundDH
Little Boulder CampgroundDH
Potlatch Canyon Trail #765DH

North Fork of the Clearwater Corridor

Cedars CampgroundDH
Clark Mountain/Orogrande TrailheadDH
Cold Springs Peak CabinDH
Fish Lake TrailheadBoth
Forth of July/Windy Ridge #167BP
Hidden Creek CampgroundDH
Isabella Landing TrailBoth
Isabella Point TrailheadBoth
Junction Mountain TrailheadBP
Kelly Creek Trail #567Both
Kelly Forks CabinDH
Kelly Forks CampgroundBoth
Liz Creek CabinBoth
Noe Creek CampgroundDH
Scurvy Mountain LookoutDH
Sheep Mountain TrailheadDH
Smith Ridge TrailheadBoth

Selway River Corridor

Boyd Creek CampgroundBoth
CCC CampgroundDH
CCC Trail #734DH
Coolwater Mountain
East Boyd Trail #703BP
Fog Mountain TrailheadDH
Gedney Trail #708BP
Glover CampgroundDH
Glover Ridge Trail #704BP
Meadow Creek Trail #726DH
O'Hara Bar CampgroundDH
O'Hara Creek Trail #713DH
Rackliff CampgroundDH
Rackliff Ridge Trail #702DH
Selway River Trail #4BP
Slims CampDH
Stillman Point Trail #335DH
Twenty-five Mile Bar CampgroundBoth

Magruder Road Corridor

14 Mile TrailheadBP
Archer Trail #529DH
Bargamin Creek Trail #502 (North)DH
Bat Creek Trail #585DH
Bilk Mountain Trail #517DH
Blowout Divide Trail #234DH
Cook Ranch Trail #586DH
Ditch Creek Trail #507DH
Dixie Wagon Road Trail #222BP
Dry Saddle TrailheadBP
Eagle Ridge Trail #537DH
Eutopia Creek Trail #519DH
Granite Peak Trail #647DH
Green Mountain Trail #541DH
Hot Springs Creek Trail #581DH
Hot Springs Trail #504DH
Lynx Creek Trail #534DH
Matteson Ridge Trail #615DH
Otterson Creek Trail #588DH
Parachute Ridge Trail #535DH
Parallel Trail #668BP
Patrol Ridge Trail #531DH
Poet Creek CampgroundBP
Porters Trail #508BP
Rabbit Point Trail #217DH
Running Creek Trail 533BP
Sable Hill Trail #611DH
Spook Creek Trail #513BP
Swastika Trail #233DH
Three Prong Trail #539DH